decide to settle

美 [dɪˈsaɪd tu ˈsetl]英 [dɪˈsaɪd tu ˈsetl]
  • 决定解决(或结算)
decide to settledecide to settle
  1. And finally I decide to settle here by starting my own business .


  2. Yet some entrepreneurs decide to settle in a new country altogether , taking their business with them .


  3. This doesn 't mean that the conflict has to be solved . You may just decide to settle it later or agree to disagree .


  4. But " the overwhelming majority of visitors to Uganda love the place . Many of us extend our contracts ; many of us decide to settle here , " Beauvoisin said .


  5. Is there a nice makeup period and mundane chatter ? Routine kind of banter will greatly alleviate the child 's anxiety , ' he says . This doesn 't mean that the conflict has to be solved . You may just decide to settle it later or agree to disagree .


  6. Animals that live in groups make two sorts of choices : consensus decisions in which the group makes a single collective choice , as when house-hunting rock ants decide where to settle ;
